
So Good They Can't Ignore You

By Cal Newport

The Summary

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10 Key Takeaways

Overall, "So Good They Can't Ignore You" provides a compelling alternative to the traditional advice of "follow your passion" when it comes to building a fulfilling career. By focusing on developing rare and valuable skills, cultivating a craftsman mindset, and finding meaning in our work, we can create a career that is both successful and fulfilling.

Psychological Reasoning Behind The Text Colours (if interested la)

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Pantun Lima Kerat

Di dalam buku "So Good They Can't Ignore You",

Belajarlah untuk jadi yang terbaik, bukan hanya kerana hobi yang dicari,

Bina kemahiran yang jarang, dan praktis dengan bersungguh-sungguh,

Mentorlah diri seperti tukang kraf, dan buatlah kerja dengan penuh cinta,

Kerjaya yang dipenuhi makna, impian anda jangan biarkan mati menjadi sahaja mimpi.

A tiny bit of relevance to my life story.

As the book implies, you can follow your passion - just make sure that you're so good in the skills involved to the point that the output you give is high quality, valuable and rare to the world's standard. 

Just like the competition my team joined; the skills involved in this competition are a lot - in which they are valuable in today's world. The success too, wasn't overnight - but rather takes years of other skills as well to bear fruition such as networking, communication, friendliness, persistence.